Tuesday 31 March 2020

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Morning Class 1,

It's Tuesday, which means a topic task for our learning!

Below is the link to your task for today. You are going to become weather reporters! Have some fun with it, get creative if you like! Backdrops, painted or made symbols, props...whatever you like. Make it your own.


Tuesday - Learning Task

I hope you enjoy it.

Miss Carter 😊

Monday 30 March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

I hope you have all had a fun weekend, keeping active and enjoying the sun.

Here are the links to your tasks for today. The Phonics Sounds link will be familiar to you. Just scroll down and find the two sounds that are on your phonics task.

Don't forget, the Phonics Play website has lots of fun games for you to play too.

Monday - Learning Tasks

Extra Guidance - Maths Task

Phonics Sounds

Phonics Play Website

Enjoy and remember to email me some photos if you want to show me the brilliant learning you have been doing! 🌼

Miss Carter

Friday 27 March 2020

Friday 27th March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

Yay, it's Friday! 💪 You have nearly completed a whole week of home learning. I am very proud of all of you for being so fantastic during this new schooling time. Make sure you all say a big thank you to parents and carers who are helping you with your learning tasks. 

Parents and carers, a massive thank you from me. Your dedication is invaluable. Keep going - you're all doing a great job! ⭐

This morning we have something very special! Our friends from the Open the Book Team have made this video recording of Jesus' Special Friends for us. It would be ideal to listen to when you are resting after the Joe Wicks work out!

Here are the links to your tasks for today. Remember to focus only on the two sounds that are on your phonics task.

Friday - Learning Tasks

Phonics Sounds

If you have any questions, or just want to tell (or show) me how you're getting on, please do get in touch! It would be lovely to hear from you.

Happy learning and have a great weekend! 🌻

Miss Carter

Thursday 26 March 2020

Thursday 26th March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

Happy Thursday!

Here is the link to your task for today. 

Thursday - Learning Task

Victorian Fan Instructions

Enjoy your day and make time for some fun! 🎨

Miss Carter

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

It's Wednesday!

Here are the links to your tasks for today. Remember to focus only on the two sounds that are on your phonics task.

Wednesday - Learning Tasks

Phonics Sounds

Happy learning! 🌈

Miss Carter

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

Happy Tuesday!

Here is the link to your task for today. 

Tuesday - Learning Task

Enjoy your day and make time for some fun! 🌞

Miss Carter

Monday 23 March 2020

Monday 23rd March 2020

Morning Class 1 😊

Welcome to your first day of home learning!

Here are the links to your tasks for today. The Phonics Sounds link is for the week, but it will be sent out again during the week. Focus only on the first two sounds that are on your phonics task.

Monday - Learning Tasks

Phonics Sounds

Happy learning! 👍

Miss Carter

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Class 1 Test Post

Dear Parents and Carers,

This is a test post, we need you to

1) open the Word document and the PDF document

2) click on this Test Video and make sure that you can see the test video

If you have any issues with any of the above operations, please inform your class teacher by replying to this blog. If everything works well, there is no need to contact us.

Thank you

Holy Apostles Team

Friday 5th November

 Good morning Year One,  Here are your  activities  for today.  Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you back in school soon.  F...